Process or Conclusion ?

Damla Saatçıoğlu
2 min readSep 1, 2020


What is your expectation from this life? Don’t you know what it is? It’s okay with uncertainty, but if you are not trying to find it, there is a serious problem with that. We are all living in a different world that we shape in various way. Most of us don’t know what to do with our existence, and we are always in an unstable situation.

There is a big missing in our daily lives, having a motivation to do something. Think a moment. Do you feel that you make enough effort to get what you want? If the answer is no you have to start to change something, convert your willingness into success. Find your own motivation. It is not going to be easy. Understanding and giving meaning to yourself, behaviours, and defining a purpose need time and stability. This stability doesn’t mean that you can’t change your mind when you set a goal. This means if you have the power of decision making about your life and if you can take the liberty to achieve your goals, than you are a determined person and know what to do in your own world. You can have millions of ways but the most important thing is taking a step in one of these ways.

Now , let’s think in another way. What is going to happen when you don’t assign your motivation, your reason to live. Did we miss the most important point? Which one is the crucial, trying to find something or just finding something? There is a little difference between them. Being in an endeavour is something else because it personalizes you, mostly in a good way but every medallion has two faces, don’t forget this. The main thing I am trying to explain is that you should trust the process and never skip it. Take this 76Sixers’ motto into consideration and start to create your way in which you can make mistakes, maybe find your own truth and main motivation etc.

