Speak Up for Humanity: No More Wars

Damla Saatçıoğlu
2 min readFeb 26, 2022


Aren’t you surprised to see this headline? It is actually where the problem starts. In the 21st century, we continue to fight because of our ego and demand having more power. So what are we losing? We are losing humanity. As long as we don’t raise our voices, help those in trouble because for the sake of power relations and political interests, and we say I’m comfortable until it touches me, every speck of humanity in the world continues to disappear.
Today, the whole world is watching the occupation of Ukraine. Some of us do not know how to help, some of us ignore it. Political figures, on the other hand, prefer to remain silent and not intervene in the war(!). What are we waiting for? I think the complete destruction or surrender of Ukraine. One of the issues that I cannot accept is how these political figures who rule the world can so easily close their eyes to events outside their borders. And again, these people can go out two days later and talk about world peace. Why and how has politics become a platform where everything is just a word?
Today, in the 21st century, Putin cannot tolerate the lands of the former USSR approaching Western ideology. Yes, while we think we are living in the modern age, we are still in a time when ego wars cause thousands of deaths and great destruction. Would Russia strive for world peace today if NATO had not expanded its borders so much? I’m sure other interests and excuses would come up and this war would start again. We must understand that the responsibility is ours. We are dragged after the decisions made by the people we elected with our own votes. If we remain silent in the face of this cruelty today, we will continue to drift. Change is not something unreal. Creating it and reaching it can be achieved by acting together. If you think you can’t do anything on your own, please don’t quit. Go on. Humanity is the most precious thing we have. What does it matter what we gain if we lose humanity?
You can end the one-man worlds created by political figures. In fact, we have to put an end to this situation. What we must not forget is that this world is our home. Different lives, ideas, borders, languages, religions, races, or genders are what make us beautiful. It is our duty to stand against any institution, person, or movement that tries to destroy them. If a country outside is under bombardment and you are silent, you must speak up now. Because what is gone is your home again. All the people who died and were injured are your comrades in this house. Don’t wait for the next bomb to drop on you.

